Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 1 is in the Books! (Whole30 Day 9)

What a frickin' weekend. Last week was...long, let me tell you. Between tech for my show, interviews/ callbacks for upcoming gigs, opening, Dave's matinee, oh and was tough not to want to sit down with a giant bag of buttered popcorn and a Diet Coke. But somehow I managed to stay on plan without a lot of muss or fuss!

A big part of that was Alan Obata, our producer and "snacks manager," as he calls himself. A tiny company like Limelight will sometimes have snacks, water and coffee set out backstage (microcraft services, sort of). Because the Whole30 is so restrictive, he was kind enough to set out fresh fruits, nuts (not peanuts!), water, and a pot of black coffee just for me at my station (over which I cried, I was so happy to see it after a particularly long day at work and before a particularly tough evening of tech).

A few nights ago I dreamt that I sat down and ate five huge bowls of Banana Nut Crunch cereal, and it was glorious. Which is weird, since I haven't eaten that cereal since I was a child (haven't eaten any cereal, really, since college when I began Atkins and started my morning ritual of eggs.) My subconscious craves it, I suppose. And while I do miss cream in my coffee, it's mostly cheese I miss. I didn't realize how much cheese I ate until I started this thing. Not adding it to my salads, omelets, etc. is really, really weird. Things still taste good, don't get me wrong, but ...I mean... CHEESE.

Haven't had any crazy mood swings, either, which I'd expected to be a big huge deal. All in all, while it can be annoying to stock up on all-compliant foods, I'd say this way of eating is certainly sustainable long-term. Maybe if the remaining 21 days go well, I'll find a pattern that works where I can have treats for a day or two, then go another 30 days of this, then 2 days of cheese and popcorn, then 30 days of this, then 2 days of chocolate and peanut butter...

It's similar to what many people do on long-term health or weight loss regimes, where you have a fun day or cheat day every month or so. I need to be more strict and aggressive, since I have so much weight to lose, but I like having the solid "30 Day" structure in there so I'm not tempted to cheat before then. It's a long time, but on the other hand, it's just a month. I can survive meat and vegetables for a month.

I've been really tempted to weigh myself, but I haven't. Partly because it's the rules, and partly because I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be disappointed. I really hope not, though. I know this isn't a weight-loss plan or "diet" but that's the big ticket item I'm gunning for.

On a side note, my skin's looking a little better. At age 30, I still have the breakouts of a teenager and I HATE them. It's still a little oily and blemish-y, but has calmed down considerably. It may in fact be the dairy, but I don't know yet. If my skin were to clear up considerably, noticeably, by the end of this 30 day period, I would be willing to consider forgoing dairy (or significantly cutting down my intake) for the long haul. And that is saying something huge.

Because I LOVE cheese.

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