The trip to Paris was insane and strange and fun and memorable and over much too quickly for me to process anything that went on.
I ran my very first half-marathon. Can you believe that? Because I can't.
I also was off the Whole30-style eating for about three weeks, which certainly took its toll on my general wellbeing, my weight, and my appearance. Hopefully no one notices it but me...but I feel like I gained a thousand pounds, especially in my tummy and my face.
In those three weeks I went to Paris and back and made my second trip to Ashland this year. Ashland, too, was an outstanding trip, and it was made even better by the addition of my friend Jen. We hadn't traveled together before, but she's seriously one of the best traveling (and shopping!) buddies ever, and it made the trip so much more fun having her along.
Omigod the food in Ashland is's just outstanding. I had wine and cider and beer and chocolate and all sorts of my favorite treats, and I'm not sorry. But it did make for some slightly "urgh" moments when I weighed in and measured this morning.
However: a lot of it is bloat from three weeks of treats and not as much nutrition, and today was the first day of Girl Time this month which means I'm a little heavier and more bloated. (That, combined with a mild sugar withdrawal, means I am especially bitchy today.) I'll also be getting back into running training, because in about a month I'll be running my **SECOND** half marathon, in Disneyland, and getting my Castle to Château medal for completing the races in both France and the States.
If you'll forgive my tardiness, I would like to write a separate post about the Disneyland Paris Half Marathon and my wacky whirlwind adventure ( was a long weekend, it wasn't even a week...what was I thinking planning that) in France.
I am pleased that my shiny new passport got two stamps in it during its first year of use. I hope to fill it up with more before it expires!
I didn't prep very well for this Whole30 because I'm coming off of the trips to Paris and Oregon, it's the busiest time of the year at work, and I'm in rehearsals (wait no...TECH WEEK) for Matthew Briar and the Age of Resurrection this week. It opens and closes this weekend, so my evenings will be mercifully free beginning on Monday...I can almost taste the free time...which may in fact be filled up with overtime hours at work, but you know what? More money to chuck into the savings account. ...Perhaps more money for trips. :-)
Just wanted to let y'all know I hadn't forgotten the blog and I'm still very much invested in my Whole30 Adventures as well as my running and traveling and theatre ones. I'm gonna have me a Chipotle salad and a massive iced tea for dinner and try to get my mind off of Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory fudge. ._o