If I'd opted for a Whole30 or Mostly30, I'd be done by now. Heh.
I haven't properly exercised in too long and it's taking a toll on my mental health (and probably my physical health as well). The 48Hour Film Project is this weekend and I hope I get cast in my team's project again...but I feel pretty gross and unfilmable at the moment, particularly because of a nasty blemish on my face, right by my eye (where my sunglasses usually touch.) URGH.
I got my Mirena (IUS) removed a week ago Monday, and while the transition hasn't been as horrific as I'd feared, it is pretty weird, the hormonal changes. Don't know if I'll eventually get a new one placed or if I'll try something else. I'm hopeful it'll have a positive (or at least NOT have a negative) effect on my skin and my weight.
... don't know what else to write, really, today. I know I'm behind on so many items, including races, recipes, the thing where I'm not straightening my hair anymore and now it's gigantic and floofy...
Nothing is happening and I'm still overwhelmed. It's strange.
Anyway, happy Wednesday.