I almost turned back on Sunday and didn't start the Whole30. For many reasons, but the main one being I didn't finish "It Starts With Food" on time. I am still reading it and plan on studying it more in-depth as I have more time, but I didn't read it while I was in Southern California and by the time I got back on Thursday night I was so exhausted (and jumping right into the final pre-tech rehearsals for
Rose's Dilemma) that I just couldn't finish it.
But, I felt confident in the knowledge I'd gained from their website and from the blogs and advice of friends and acquaintances, and I knew that writing *this* blog would hold me accountable to start when I said I would.
So I did.
It has begun very basically - I have abstained from all the "harmful" foods without a lot of difficulty but haven't replaced them with anything complicated or exotic or expensive (because of funding and lack of experience). Rather, there's been a lot of very basic vegetables, raw or prepared simply, a lot of eggs (there's always a lot of eggs on any low-carb plan) and "approved" bacon. I had no idea bacon was such a minefield - finding uncured bacon with no sugar or crazy chemicals is really fucking difficult. Even with the approved stuff I found, I'm a little leery, so I won't be eating bacon every day like I'd like. Phooey. Oh and a lot of avocados, I frickin' love avocados.
Last night for dinner I made a dozen Spicy Tuna Cakes (the Nom Nom Paleo recipe). Panda and I each had 3, and I packed up the other 6 for lunches this week.
Today's packed lunch/ dinner consists of:
A small container of dry-roasted macadamia nuts for a snack...which I just ate
Some mashed baked sweet potato with salt and pepper
3 spicy tuna cakes
A simple green salad with mixed lettuces, spinach, a hard-boiled egg and lemon, salt and pepper, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dressing
A handful of sugar snap peas
An avocado
One more hard-boiled egg. For good luck, I guess.
The best advice I got regarding this plan was to prepare. I definitely should have prepared more, but I'm really glad I have so much chicken in my freezer that I can defrost and prep throughout the week. Tech week is always a pain in the ass, food-wise. So, tonight might be a late one making stuff for the rest of the week.
As for Panda...he's been on a few health rollercoasters lately and to be honest, while this plan seems pretty harmless I was dubious about having him join me, simply because it might upset his system (or he might face withdrawals, which would be miserable for both of us). He offered to join me, and to be honest, I cook most of the time so he tends to eat what I make, so a lot of what he eats in the next 30 days will likely be Whole30 approved. But I don't believe he's been able to read the website (on Day 1, he sat next to me eating a bowl of Ramen and said "so, about this 30-day thing we're doing...what?"), and he also has a lot of Medifast shakes left from the last time he ordered them. So, I'll be strictly on plan for the next month while he's on a combination of Whole30-approved foods and his Medifast meals. It's not ideal, but we'll both be sort of kickstarting ourselves into behaving better around food. So, that can't hurt.
I weighed myself on Day 1 but I didn't take any measurements. I'm kind of wishing I did. I guess after 30 days if the weight loss on the scale isn't significant I'll go by how I feel in my clothes? Hmm. But clothing doesn't change too much in 30 days.
After this week I am beginning to jog the Couch to 5K plan again...I just can't handle it yet. As it is, I'm up at 6, at work by 7:45, out at 4:30 and on the road for a 2-hr commute to Gilroy, at the theatre by 7, home by 10:30 or 11. Once tech week is over I can use my evenings for walking/ jogging in the park by my house. And I'll take walks on my lunch breaks until then to make sure I get *some* activity.
Holy crap this was a long one. Sorry about that. Just wanted to make an entry detailing that I *have* begun, I'm hard at work on my Whole3 (of 30) and I'm feeling pretty good. I haven't noticed any significant changes, but I also haven't been wailing with cheese cravings (yet) which is a relief.