Wednesday, January 28, 2015

One Third Finished! (Whole30, Day 11)

Finally got a good batch of cooking done last night. Didn't do it over the weekend and suffered for it Monday and Tuesday... having big packed lunches is definitely helpful when doing a program like this. I made two dozen spicy tuna cakes. We ate some for dinner last night and I divvied the rest up for lunches. Had some today with leftover mashed sweet potato! I've also packed a salad, an avocado and some sugar snap peas for later.

spicy tuna cakes were reheated in the toaster oven...still perfecting my technique.

I have to leave a bit early today; a job interview off-campus. It'd be with a theatre company which is great, but part time (not great) and in the box office (sigh). Still, it's a job. And with the number of interviews I've faced in the last 3 weeks I know I can handle it.

Speaking of which, at the big interview from last Tuesday (during which the guy said only 2 people had been called in for in-person interviews) I was told I would hear "something" by Thursday. Almost a week's gone by, and nothing, not even a thanks-for-coming. So...great to know I'm your second choice and you're stringing me along in case your first choice bails! Grr.

Honestly I haven't noticed any huge changes in the last ten days, except that I'm sleeping a little more heavily (still waking up dead tired in the mornings though). My skin has cleared up a tiny bit...not enough for me to credit the food. Rather, it looks like "decent non-PMS skin". I'm hoping for much better than that. We'll see.

Oh and in doing my taxes it looks like I owe over a thousand dollars...? I've never owed taxes, any year, EVER, so I'm praying I just fudged something in the entries. I'm taking my stuff to an actual tax professional this year to see if he can sort it out.

Happy Hump Day!

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