Monday, November 7, 2016

Mishmosh (Whole30, Day 28)

I'm sorry I haven't posted my Disneyland Paris Run recap yet. I know I'm super late. I gotta get it written up before the end of the year. 

My next Disney run (Super Heroes Half Marathon) is this weekend, holy crap. I'm even more nervous about this one than I was about the Paris one, I think. How is that possible?

Only a few days left of this Whole30 and I'm feeling ok about it, although I very much doubt I've lost significant weight. I'm probably back to where I was when I finished my last WholeSomething (before indulging in lots of treats in Paris and Ashland,) but I feel like I still have a long way to go before I hit the weight and fitness level I want.

In all honesty, it's slowed to a crawl.

I know this is probably because I used to be much bigger and my metabolism has slowed down (everything I've been reading says that people who've lost a bunch of weight burn calories/ fat at a slower rate because their bodies think something is wrong. It's supposed to take several years before you're back up to "regular" burning levels.) I also know that the numbers aren't going to be as dramatic now that I'm closer to an "average" weight. Right now the bullshit BMI calculators (seriously, those things are so stupid) would clock me at "overweight" when before I was in the "morbidly obese" category, but to be honest I'm not sure how unhealthy my weight is right now, since I'm eating nutritious food, exercising, and avoiding most harmful things most of the time (alcohol, etc.) I may not look the way I want to, but I know I'm healthier and will probably live longer than I would have if I'd kept up my habits from a year ago, so...go me, I guess.

This was my promo photo for Godspell back in 2010.
Frankly the creepy look on my face bothers me much more than my weight.

Here are two car selfies, one from 2011 and one from 2016.

It's strange to me how different these two pictures are. Not just my size.
Maybe it's because so much time has passed. I don't know.
(maybe because in '16 I have the advantage of Instagram Filters)
I very much look forward to a drink and some treats when this Whole30 is complete (especially after tomorrow's election....ugh...may we all have the strength to bear it, this has all been hateful and horrible.) Disney is going to be fun, and I look forward to getting my Castle to Chateau medal, too!

A Christmas Carol rehearsals are going well. I have this little feeling that this will be my last year doing it, and I'm not sure why (perhaps because it's my third consecutive year, and I believe in the power of threes?). It's going to be a good ghosty show with some wonderful people.

And now...back to work.

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