Monday, November 9, 2015

Don't Cry For Me (Whole75, Day 31)

Welps, I've completed a Whole30's worth of...Whole30, and I'm feeling pretty good. My clothes are feeling looser and even my skin (which is still problematic) isn't as nasty as it has been in the past. Because we're finally (FINALLY) getting some moisture in the air here in drought-plagued California, my hair has gone completely insane, but I'll take that if it means we get some more rain.

I am also very glad to say that I have kept up with the FitBit goals, and have completed 10,000 or more steps for 32 straight days (today will be day 33). AND, I've completed two weeks of training on the Couch to 5K app (today will begin Week 3, which gets significantly more challenging.)

I will need to hit up a Ross or a TJ Maxx for a couple of pieces of "business attire" for this phase of things. Right now I have no work pants, so I've been wearing skirts and dresses (and jeans on Fridays), and with the weather cooling down it makes dress-wearing more challenging. I don't plan on staying this size for very long, so I don't want to spend too much money, but I'd like not to look quite so frumpy at work on a day to day basis.

Evita opened this weekend, and audiences seemed to enjoy it. It's a concept-heavy production, so people unfamiliar with the (true) story of the Perons or the original materials by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice were a little lost, but the performances were good and I was proud of the work people were doing onstage and off. Because I was the director's assistant and he's handed off the show to the SM and MD, my responsibilities are all done, but I'll likely see it another time or two as the run continues. It's cool to watch how shows evolve a bit after they've been in front of an audience for a while (and the performers and musicians become more confident, and little kinks get worked out).

Rehearsals for A Christmas Carol are now in full swing, and I return tonight for continued blocking and awesomeness. I really love this play and am excited to see how the production this year will differ from last year. I did hint (heavily) to the costume mistress that I really loved the red velvet dress I got to wear last year, and she hinted (offhand) that she may be able to take it in so I can wear it again. We shall see.

Panda is on Day 29 of a Whole30, himself! I'm really proud of him; he stuck to it even in the face of some pretty major temptations and has come on a bunch of walks with me, and is considering doing more WholeSomethings for himself in the future. Granted, he talks a lot about all the delicious junk food he's going to enjoy in a few days, but I do that too when I'm near the finish line. ;-) I'll still be on this Whole75 during Thanksgiving, but will be off by Christmas, so I'll enjoy pie and cookies then. Thanksgiving will be about the turkey and yummy vegetables and spending time together. And then sitting around in our PJs on "Black Friday" while crazy people go shopping (have seriously NEVER understood that phenomenon) and watching A Charlie Brown Christmas.

It's starting to get darker, earlier! Between that and the silvery/ rainy/ thundery weather, my spirits are lifting significantly. The vegetables may also be helping my moods, but I like to think it's just the world getting a little colder and spookier towards the end of the year. :-)

Happy Monday.

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