Monday, November 23, 2015

One Month to Go (Whole75, Day 45)

It's strange to think that a Whole75 is two and a half months. For some reason that sounds like more than "75 days". Anyway, at a month and a half into this thing, I have 30 days to go. December 23rd, I'm coming for you.

Today's Couch to 5K workout wasn't too terrible. I was careful to jog and not get my speed up too much, so that the motion was sustainable for longer. I figure at this point, it's best to just get used to the rhythm of jogging for long periods of time, and then when that's doable I can work on building up my speed and distance. Perhaps this is the fundamental distance between jogging and running? I'm not sure.

I finally got new work pants. They're more form-fitting than I've worn in the past, which is a bit strange, but so far no one's looked at me in disgust or run screaming from my presence (that I know of), so I assume they're acceptable for this stage of my weight loss.

My mom wants me and Panda to have Thanksgiving dinner at her place, which is awesome, except I feel bad explaining about my food needs on the Whole75. Even the turkey preparation is important, which is why I volunteered to bring the turkey myself. I think it'll be ok (and I'll bring plenty of sides and veggies and fruit), but dining with others can sometimes be awkward on this eating plan. Especially around the holidays.

Still! My mom's cool and understands about putting health first. And we also don't have a dining room table so it makes sense to have the big meal at someone else's house. Slack Friday we can just use the coffee table and sofa, since we'll be lounging around with friends making fun of shoppers.

Which reminds me, this is a three-day workweek. Score!

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