Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A (Very Late) Thanksgiving Rundown, and Crazy Life in General (Whole75, Day 61)

Two more weeks. Holy shit.

In other news, I completely suck at updating. There's been no spare time to do anything, even listen to audiobooks, between A Christmas Carol and the unholy circus of chaos that work has become and, now, the first few rehearsals of MoMologues...craziness. Anyway I'm really sorry I haven't posted.

Here's what our little Thanksgiving spread looked like:

Clockwise from the duck, we have:

Simple baked mashed sweet potatoes (no chipotle peppers this year because the adobo sauce is questionable on Whole30, sorry my beloved Alton Brown!)

Good Eats roasted turkey (adapted for Whole30 by omitting the brown sugar from the brine and swapping candied ginger for ground). This is hands-down the best turkey recipe ever...I've tried numerous ways over the years, and while Nom Nom Paleo's spatchcocking method looks awesome, I frankly like the look of the whole bird all trussed up and pretty on the table. The high heat at the beginning makes for yummy crispy skin, and the meat is so juicy and awesome.

Basic underturkey vegetables (purchased in bags and heated in the microwave because I am a fancy fancy lady)

Stovetop stuffing for Dave (not Whole30 so I didn't partake)

Curry roasted carrots (SO FREAKING GOOD)

We had lots of leftovers to last us the following week, and it was really nice to feast and relax and not stress out. The next day we had people over for "Slack Friday" and we watched movies and played cards for a while, which was great. Everyone brought leftovers (my friend Anthony brought a lot of beer and wine which I will definitely be enjoying this Christmas,) so our fridge has been nice and full since then!

My "smaller" jeans can now be removed without unbuttoning or zipping, which is kind of cool, but the next size down is just a squidge too tight so I've been wearing a lot of leggings and skirts...and safety pins...these last few weeks.

A Christmas Carol is going well. Opening weekend was well-received. I'm really looking forward to seeing the production stills taken by one of my favorite theatre photographers, Evelyn Huynh. This is the first time in a long time that I've felt confident and pretty in my costumes. (NOT that I didn't have nice costumes in the past!!! I've been fortunate enough to work with some incredible designers and dressers.) Especially for The Ghost of Christmas Present. I feel attractive in it. It's kind of a nice change.

The MoMologues just began rehearsals on Monday (we run late Jan-mid Feb) and I'm really excited about it. I did the show in the company's first season, when we were performing upstairs of a Spanish tapas restaurant, and it holds a lot of really fond memories for me.

And work...look, I love my day job but even the best jobs can be clownfuck insane sometimes. This is one of those times. My whole department is going to need a stiff drink when 2015 finally comes to a close.

I'm in the middle of Week 7 in my Couch to 5K! Running 25 minutes at a time, which is something I've never been able to do before. FitBit step goal has been reached every day so far, and I can absolutely do it for another 2 weeks. Some friends and I are thinking of doing a virtual Color Run at the end of the year.

I think that's it....gotta get back to the absolute craziness of life. Thanks for reading.

Two more weeks. O_O

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