Wednesday, June 10, 2015

"What a Coil is There, Dromio" (Whole50, Day 23)

Blech. Sorry for not updating. As I said last time - there's no time.

I've taken to showering in the evenings, to get all the filth off me from rehearsal and also to give myself a few more precious minutes of sleep in the mornings. Even so, I am a complete zombie at work and drink lots of coffee and tea throughout the day to stay awake. Probably more than is healthy, but as I've stayed on track with the eating plan I'm not going to worry about it too much.

It does suck that I haven't been able to batch-cook (or even buy groceries) in so freaking long. This weekend I will be doing so, and Monday night is going to be outstanding because I have no rehearsals.

Monday (Day 1 of Tech) was very frustrating, since it was in the high 90's/ low 100's all day and we had to be outside hauling heavy scenery and electronics (and then performing under heavy costumes and makeup). Yesterday the cooler weather was a huge relief, but when it started sprinkling rain at the end of the evening we had to hustle to carry everything back into the shed and get the painted pieces covered with tarps. It's still sprinkling today, a miniscule relief for this ridiculous drought. I'm thankful for the rain, insignificant though it may be, but I am wondering if there's a contingency plan for the show if there's rain during rehearsal/ performance times at the park. I guess we'll find out if it's still raining tonight.

I am excited for CoE to open and I feel like, for the most part, it's a good and fun production. I'm peeved that my boots, which I'm wearing for the show, chose tech week to start shredding apart (I'm not kidding...pieces are literally starting to sling and hang off as I walk. I may need to replace them, but of course it's summer so no one sells boots, at least not boots I can afford).

The Bernstein concert on Sunday went pretty well and I got a lot of good feedback on the duet I sang with one of the area's best-beloved sopranos. It made me happy that she was so nice and funny and awesome. In my experience, the attitude of "local legends" can be kind of a crapshoot. But she was amazing to work with and I thought we did well. Our necklaces matched completely by accident, which made me smile. And I wore my dress from Bella Cantorum, my high school choir, which I'd worn well over 10 years ago and hasn't fit me in a long time. So that felt good. Oh, and Nancy loaned me a vegan cookbook which looks great - I'm not a vegan but some of the recipes will be an awesome addition to my current repertoire, and more veggies never hurt anyone.

As far as fitness goes, there have been lots of organic chicken sausages, crudites, avocado and raw fruits as well as scrambled eggs going into my belly lately. And I wear my FitBit almost all the time (my Luce costume prevents it but I still wear it under my Duke coat). Actually, a lot of women in the cast wear FitBits under their garb. And we *all* get our steps in by the end of each night, between the show and the hiking around and the carrying everything/ setup/ teardown.

In short, if I haven't hit my next weight goal by Day 51 (which will actually be a bit after CoE closes) I will be severely upset. Heh. So cross your fingers for me.

I promise to update about the job soon. New one begins June 29.

Almost halfway through Whole 50!

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