Thursday, December 24, 2015


Well, I didn't lose 25 lbs on the Whole75 like I'd hoped to. I lost 11.

...actually, since I didn't weigh myself on Day 1 and was going from the last Day +1 results, I may very well have lost 25 lbs and just not known it. I'm a little bummed that running every day and eating so clean for 2 and a half months didn't net me an average of 10 lbs per month.

But honestly that doesn't matter too much, because...

As of this morning I've lost 101 pounds.

I've lost over 100 pounds.

There is still a long way to go, but I'm going to celebrate this milestone and have an awesome Christmas. I hope your holidays are tremendous.

Lots of love.

This comparison website only goes up to 100 lbs, so I have to divide it up.
There we go. A horse and a Guinea pig. WUT WUT.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an unhealthy delicious breakfast to imbibe.