Sunday, February 22, 2015

On an Ordinary Sunday (Whole30v2, Day 0)

I got up, I was rarin' to start another month of clean eating, I joined Panda at our favorite diner and got an omelet with chicken, avocado, onions and mushrooms and some fresh fruit...and halfway through drinking my black coffee I realized I hadn't weighed myself this morning, or taken any measurements.

God. Dammit.

I stepped on the scale when we got home, but before it could even register (I do not need to see how much I gained from breakfast PLUS five days of junk food), I stepped off and decided I would officially start tomorrow. The clean eating begins today, as planned, but tomorrow morning (I don't start the new gig until Tuesday so I have the day off) I'll take measurements and step on the scale. The program itself will be 31 days long including today, but the weight loss and measurements will be calculated based on 30 days. Does that make sense? I hope so, because I don't know how else to explain it.

I know I will have gained weight from the break between Whole30s. I feel bloated and kinda gross. Definitely won't go so overboard next time. I'm hoping a lot of it is bloat/ water and will come off quickly. I know I'll feel a little better after a few days of Whole30v2.

My friend Jen asked about the Whole30 so I loaned her "It Starts With Food." Another friend messaged me on FB with questions. It may be that more people join in on this round, which could be kind of great!

Anyway. Because I'm a flippin' DUNCE my second Whole30 will officially start tomorrow. Today begins the eating, though, as well as the evening walks which Panda's agreed to do with me.

Goals for my Second Whole30:

  1. Don't get sick. Last time I think my results were hindered by the fact that I caught the creeping death that everyone was suffering this winter.
  2. Add in regular exercise, whether it's walks in the evening or actual C25K workouts which I'm hoping to incorporate. If I want real weight-loss and fitness results I sincerely do need to get off my ass and be active.
  3. Match or exceed my weight loss from W30v1. It's a lot, but I have a lot to lose. Also, tomorrow's starting weight will include a lot of retained water from the 5-day break, and I'll be working out more as well. Also, I will be paying closer attention to starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes. They are yummy and healthy, but I think if I limit them a bit more I'll see better results in losing weight.
  4. Add in better sleep habits. I won't be rehearsing or performing during this 30 (sorry...31)-day period so I will be disciplined about being in bed by or before 11PM. Sleeping better will help A LOT of things.
  5. Eat breakfast every day. Last time I would often forget or grab an avocado or something at work. I hypothesize that I'll feel better and build better habits in general if I can at least get up in time for some fried eggs and coffee each morning.
We saw some friends in "Sunday in the Park with George" last night. I liked it better than I thought I would! The only trouble is that now I have several of the songs stuck in my brain. 

Sundaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy. . . . . . . .

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