Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Human Slug (Whole30 Day +2) (Whole30v2 Day -?)

Ok, so I have totally figured out why people do more than one of these, or extend them to a Whole45 or longer.

I went a little overboard yesterday on the treats, and this morning I felt like complete and total crap.

SO! Today I packed a lunch that (mostly) conforms to Whole30 standards, although there is barbecue sauce involved which isn't approved. I'm drinking coffee with a little bit of Half&Half (again, they don't have cream here) and like a quarter of a packet of Splenda...but you know something? It really doesn't add that much to it. Unless I'm having a mocha or something, I think I'm actually ok drinking my coffee black even when I'm not on a Whole30.


I considered beginning my second Whole30 today, given how food-hangover-y I felt last night and this morning, but I think being relaxed about it for the next few days is good before going all out again on Sunday. Friday the Stanford folks having a going-away thing for me and Manuel (who's also leaving) and I'd like to be able to order straight off the menu and maybe have a glass of wine.

Omigod though, I'm so glad I didn't have alcohol last night. That combined with the sugar hangover would have been excruciating this morning.

Anyway, just wanted to make a note of that. Maybe my preferences are changing (I'm not that tempted by cream for my coffee) but treats will be easy to keep few and far between, I think. I never would have predicted that. I don't even think I went that overboard yesterday, but after an espresso with cream, a panini at lunch, barbecue beef at dinner and a few pieces of chocolate and like a quarter of Panda's caramel apple, I felt the way my former self might have after six McDonald's value meals and one of those "mount bellyache" sundaes. Yesterday's eating was like...almost what normal used to be. I don't think I felt all sick and hungover normally, but maybe I felt worse than this and just didn't notice because I was used to it?... odd. You'd think I'd have noticed feeling way better while on the Whole30.

Ah well. Just wanted to make sure I wrote it down. I do want to be better about recording my feelings as this whole adventure continues. Will update with goals/ plans for the second one soon.

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