Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Learning Curve (Mostly50, Day 40)

Ten days to go.

Yesterday I rushed out of the house to get to work and didn't make myself eggs like I usually do. This was a mistake, especially since I've been lethargic and sick and not leaving the office to go get food like I usually do (I have snacks and tea and stuff here).

I did go for a run. It was only 20 minutes (I started over from the beginning of my last week of workouts), and I was very slow and it felt like I was trying to breathe around a tennis ball lodged in my throat, but I finished and I'm very glad I did it.

It wasn't until fairly late in the afternoon (I had to stay later than usual, for once, since progress is picking up on our next printed piece at work) that I realized I hadn't eaten anything. All day. I'd consumed calories since I had been putting honey and coconut oil in my tea, but that was it. No wonder I felt like garbage.

I had to stop at the grocery store on my way home, and I actually was almost feeling faint by the time I arrived. Needless to say, I crammed a bunch of grapes in my mouth (after washing them, of course) and snacked on those while making chicken and Brussels sprouts, which I then of course ate much too quickly and my belly felt super full.

I won't be making that stupid mistake again. Even if I'm not really hungry at a given time and I eat *less*, I'm going to eat *something*. That weak sick feeling I had last night is not something I want to repeat.

I can speak again but there is still a lot of crud in my throat. I haven't attempted singing since the callback, and I'm being mostly quiet around here. Vitamins, tea, Mucinex, coconut oil and steam are my friends.

This Saturday's callbacks have a *lot* more material for us to prepare. It's intimidating but I'm still excited for them. And I'm even more excited to find out if I'll get to participate in Shakespeare in the Park again this year.

Today is a walking day. Tomorrow I'll attempt another run.

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