Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Walk in the Park (Whole45, Day 40)

Yesterday I met up with my friend Patti, whom I met doing "A Christmas Carol" a few months ago. Back then we both had super long hair (as is only appropriate for a Dickens-era costume where your hair is inevitably hidden under a wig or hat, I guess) and now mine's just medium-long and hers is cut off at her chin. It suits her really well.

Anyway, we went for a really nice walk around a park in Los Gatos. I'd never been there before, and it was a beautiful day and great to catch up with her. We didn't get all my steps on on the FitBit (I took a long walk last night around my own neighborhood to finish up my steps goal) but it was just lovely and I'm glad I went.

In other exciting news, I'm finally learning to use the "panoramic" feature on my camera.
I keep in touch with a good friend of mine overseas via chat, and yesterday he said that the dress I'd worn to our mutual friend's handfasting was really pretty. I said thank you, and then realized I hadn't sent him any photos of me at the event. Turns out the groom had posted some photos on Facebook and tagged me in them. I signed on (I am terrible at Facebook, I'll just say it) and checked them out.

While I still have a long way to go, size-wise, I was able to see a difference in those photos from ones taken even a few months ago. There's a little bit of a change in the shape of my face and neck, and my belly and butt don't stick out quite as much. 

As I said, there's still a long way to go. But it was a little gratifying to be able to see a difference. Because this has been so gradual (after the initial 30 days, after which, I admit, my hopes and goals were a little unreasonable), I often feel like I'm making no progress at all. It's why I'm actually kind of afraid to end this one after 45 days and I'm considering making it a Whole50.

I guess we'll see on Day 46. ...I'm almost certain I've said that before. Ah well.

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