Monday, May 11, 2015

The Only Latter-Day That Matters is Tomorrow (Whole45, Day 44)

All this time I've been tempted to up this Whole45 into a Whole50, or further, in order to avoid stepping on the scale and rending my garments in disappointment and despair.

Fortunately, friendship has won out. My friend Jen and I are having Wine Wednesday on Day 46, so this will officially be a Whole45. No more, no less. Maybe the next one can be a Whole50. We'll see.

I drove for about a hundred million (read: 10) hours this weekend, to South Lake Tahoe and Reno and then back home, for Mother's Day. We all surprised my grandmother and had a short visit with brunch and flowers and presents. It was nice, but the main nice thing was all the time to zone out by myself in the car. I listened to Steve Martin's memoir, Born Standing Up, in its entirety on the way home.

Staying on plan hasn't been hard, just a little boring. There have been several days where I didn't make my steps goal (Saturday was one of them), but I went on long walks just the same in order to fill the exercise minimum for the Whole45 so I didn't feel the need to start over from Day 1. Last night I was in a bit of a mood, so I took a long walk/jog with what I'm sure was the most intense resting bitch-face anyone's ever seen (I tend to look really REALLY pissed off when I'm mildly upset and not paying attention to my facial expression). It helped to sweat a little and see the FitBit do its little dance when I hit 10k steps.

The funk persisted through today so I caved and called Kaiser to see if I can make an appointment with a counselor. Of course, with my shitty insurance I likely am not covered, so it may be more economical to seek out free counseling someplace. Why is it that broke people with hugely stressful lives are the ones not considered entitled to mental health assistance, whereas rich people who can basically purchase a cure for anything they want can sit and whine to a counselor and it's all done and dusted? Grumble, grumble.

Sorry. I suppose someone (me) has a case of the Mondays (blarghflrg.)

In other news, my beautiful friend Allison of CakeDoneRight has posted a new entry for the first time in a long time! Go check out the pics of her fabulous culinary creations.

One more dawn. One more day. Oooooonnneee daaaaaaay moooooooooooooooooore.... . . . . .

...and Wine Wednesday cannot come fast enough.

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