Wednesday, May 13, 2015

At Least We're Out of the Tree (Whole45 Results)

I really didn't want to weigh in this morning. But I did, and I'm glad I did.

I lost 15 lbs on the Whole45. Granted, this is not much in the grand scheme of things (and I still have a very long way to go) but it's much more satisfying than the piddling results of Whole30v2, and right now any progress will be greeted with happiness.

Focusing on the positives:

  • I didn't set a lbs-lost goal per se, but I did set an "I want to weigh in below XYZ lbs" goal for myself, and by a margin of 1lb, I achieved that goal. Next big milestone goal is within sight.
  • From my all-time highest recorded weight I am down 66 lbs. Again, subjective to my overall goal this isn't much, but it's still a lot of weight to have lost and I'm glad it's gone.
  • My fingernails are looking healthier, as is my hair (now that it's washed, haha). Little improvements are still improvements.
  • I've really enjoyed walking more, even if my feet feel like they've been smashed with hammers. I don't tend to go outside as often as I'd like (Mr. Sun and I do not get along...he burns the crap outta me) so I've been making a point to go in the early evenings, when it's still light but I only need my regular sunblock. Even with summer coming it gets nice and cool and I really like the park and library by my house. 
    • Also there are mallard ducklings and baby geese and those always make me happy.
  • I've gotten used to eating different foods, and I don't feel deprived or sorry for myself forgoing things like dairy or sugar (which surprises me since I really like both of those food groups).
  • I don't miss Diet Coke. This is a bit of a shocker because I really (really) like Diet Coke. But it wasn't that hard to go without. I'm not really tempted to have one on this rest period, to be honest. If I'm going to have a treat I'd rather it be something I really want. And that, too, is an improvement - finding myself choosing treats instead of going "Oh now I can have treats? I will have EVERYTHING WITH A SIDE OF CHILI FRIES PLEASE" is new for me. It's a nice surprise to find myself not inclined to gorge on everything in sight just because I can. Maybe that's one of those "invisible benefits" of the Whole30 plan, or any healthy eating plan in general.
I'll be taking my measurements tonight (I couldn't find my tape measure this morning) and making plans for the next round. I'll update then. 

Definitely looking forward to an indulgent meal with Jen tonight, though.

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