Monday, July 27, 2015

Oh Look, Another Monday. (9/30)

I really shouldn't complain. I'm lucky - I like my job, and I'm making more money now than I ever have. Sure, I live in the Silicon Valley and I'm still under the average (and WAY under the median) wage for this area, but I can still make it work and I'm excited to put lots of money away in savings and retirement. Plus I get to work with people I like, in an air-conditioned building, AND I have a reverse commute (my fellow Californians know what I'm talking about. Commuting SUCKS.)

I've been on the lookout for a suit, to act as my costume for Spelling Bee. My mom lent me one, and it's a beautiful suit but it's black and HEAVY (one of the reasons it looks so good), which unfortunately means it's going to be hotter than Hades under the lights during the show. I'm bringing it to show the director tonight. A good friend also volunteered to lend me her pretty brown one, and that may end up being a better alternative.

My mom asked me what size I was when I initially mentioned needing a suit, and I just sort of blanked out because I didn't know what my current size was. That was really strange. I don't know how it is for men, but women's dress sizes seem to change from item to item (and "vanity sizing" changes things even more), plus some items have numbers while others have S,M,L,XL etc and the guidelines for the letter sizes are all different...basically there's no hard nose way of telling what size I am on any given day, so I need to try things on.

Hence, the small number of things in my "capsule wardrobe" right now. And the fact that I'm not investing in any expensive clothing items until I've reached a size I think I'll remain for the long haul. Being in a transition size is...well, it's a crapshoot from day to day.

Now that I'm not doing OT anymore (and my schedule's fairly regular again, ...I think), I'm considering the early morning gym routine again. I'll talk to Panda about it tonight. I really really (really) want to jump start this thing again and start seeing significant results. I've been very good about food; now I need to get super serious about exercise.

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