Monday, January 25, 2016

Halfway Day (Whole50, Day 25)

I don't understand. My last 5K to 10K workout was a 40-minute steady run. I was a couple of days late and did it on Sunday, at the park by my house, and it was challenging but I got through it.

Today's workout was a 20-minute run, literally half the time of yesterday's, and it was way harder. Is it because the trail here has more varied terrain? Is it because I didn't drink enough water? Or is it because logic has failed me and my brain just wants nachos and churros and 120 hours of sleep instead of all this cardiovascular exercise nonsense...

I completed it and I am glad, but I'm going to try frontloading the water and Advil on Wednesday before that run and see if I feel any better.

Opening weekend for The MoMologues went well - people seemed to really enjoy it.

Apparently it's National Breakfast Week, according to Twitter. I like breakfast. This morning I ate a huge one on my way to work (chicken sausage, eggs, and avocado) and I'll do the same tomorrow, too. I roasted a whole chicken yesterday and carved it up so I have chicken for lunches this week. I need to roast more vegetables as sides, though. I've gotten pretty good at asparagus and carrots...

I still feel like I'm not losing size on this Whole50. Even after 25 days of clean eating, and doing the thrice-weekly running workouts, I don't feel any different. I very much hope that I can still hit my 50-day goal. I know that weight loss slows down as you lose more, and I'm ok with that, but to lose nothing at all despite all this hard work would be really disheartening.

Speaking of disheartening: I had kind of an awful audition on Saturday. I thought it went well during my monologue, but I got a strange vibe from the director, which then flustered her when she saw my nervousness and confusion, and then she pulled me aside afterward and we were both just awkward and flustered and embarrassed and you'd think that'd level the playing field a little but NEWP - despite what I felt was a good monologue and thoughtful changes upon receiving direction, I got my "thanks but no thanks" email less than 24 hours later. I wasn't surprised, but I was still disappointed. I love that play and would like to do it someday.

In nicer news, I had another audition a couple of hours after that one and it went much better - not perfect, but good. It was for SV Shakes' 2016 season (this is the company with which I performed Comedy of Errors in the park last year.) I'm hopeful I'll get called back for something with them, even something small, since they're a fun group to work with and I've missed classical theater since graduating college. I should hear back from them within a week. And, I'm auditioning this Wednesday for a semi-staged reading of the new translation of Diary of Anne Frank, so cross your fingers for me!

Gotta drink more water. Definitely gotta drink more water. And my hips are screaming for Advil.

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