Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Musings (Whole50, Day 27)

Today's run consisted of 10 minutes of jogging, then 3 intervals of fast running, then 10 more minutes of jogging. For some stupid dumb reason it seemed easier than Monday's run.

I have a few ideas as to what that stupid reason might be:

  1. When the run consists of intervals, I tend to force myself to run a little slower on the "jog" sections, which is easier on my legs and my lungs, since I know I'll be in pain on the faster parts. So, I figure on the long "steady" runs (like Friday's upcoming 45-minute run) I need to focus on running more slowly and steadily, especially at the very beginning when I tend to take off at an irrational pace.
  2. I was careful to drink lots of water, and wait until several hours after breakfast.
  3. Mondays are stupid.
I am learning (and accepting) that as the runs get longer, my running time will be slower. This is ok by me; the goal has always been about weight loss and fitness, not setting any world records. If I can run for a long time (or a greater distance), then it's all right by me when I see people sailing past with a seemingly effortless stride while I'm plodding along on what I think is a "fast" run.

It's faster than I was going a few months ago. Which was not at all.

I was reminded today of the story of the tortoise and the hare, and how "slow and steady wins the race." It worked with fixing my finances (although I was more focused on the Steady than the Slow), and it's working (ever so slowly) with my fitness.

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