I'm planning for this next phase of weight loss and have been trying to learn more about how best to modify the Whole30 eating style to break my plateau. The results of the Whole50 were unacceptable, and I was exercising and following the plan, so clearly my body now has new requirements for getting this stubborn fat off.
It's mind-boggling how much the human body wants to hold on to excess fat. It's fucking amazing. On the one hand, how great that our hormones will literally change and our metabolisms slow down so that we can store additional fats for the long winters ahead. On the other hand, how fucking stupid does a human body have to be to not listen to THE HUMAN BRAIN reminding it that food is plentiful and we're giving it nutritious fuel and exercise in order to update its composition in the opposite direction?
This article about former contestants on The Biggest Loser provided some valuable insight about how, after losing significant weight, people's bodies burn hundreds fewer calories than another person of similar size. Mine seems to be doing the same thing: "I was happy being fat, and you took that away from me, so FUCK YOU I will defy physics and ignore the laws of nature and keep you fat no matter what you do, BITCH". It's difficult for me to not feel...stupidly...bullied by my own fat belly and ass. Like my body and my mind are on two different teams.
I know how stupid that sounds. I do. But fifty days and ZERO POUNDS? Unacceptable. Un-fucking-acceptable.
SO. Rant over (for now). How will I modify my future WholeSomethings to get me back on a winning (read: losing) streak to eventually bust out of "overweight" and into "average"?
- Continue to focus on meat and vegetables (Basic Whole30 rules); eliminating the main "off" foods as I would with any Whole30)
- Alcohol
- Grains
- Sugar or sweeteners
- Dairy
- Legumes
- Eliminate, also, some of the "allowed" foods which may have impacted weight loss
- Fruits higher in sugar, e.g. dates, bananas, grapes
- Almond butter (should have done this a while ago...I've been using it as a peanut butter substitute and I love it, but this may very well be impacting my losses since I've been enjoying it with bananas)
- Fruit juices and kombucha - while technically allowed, these are high in sugar, and lower total carbs may be what's required to get me where I need to be
- White potatoes (not originally allowed on Whole30 anyway)
- Sweet potatoes (allowed, and very nutrient-dense, but also very sugary)
- Carrots (same deal as sweet potatoes)
- Limit restaurant meals to once per week, if that
- Meal planning and prep need to become a priority again (bonus - this will also help with saving money)
- Wear my Vivera (Invisalign) retainers, which I now wear only at night, during the day as well. Hear me out: it'll keep me from snacking during the day and have the added benefit of keeping my teeth straight. Hey - I paid for them, I should be using them to their full effect!
- Continue to learn to run. It may not have helped with weight loss during Whole50, but it can't hurt, and I need to be able to get through a half-marathon by September anyway since I paid for it.
So yeah. Basic Whole30 rules, minus a few additional foods; limiting dining out; wearing retainers; running.
If *that* doesn't work, my body and I need to have another fucking conversation and possibly involve a psychiatrist or a surgeon (or both).
Things I forgot to mention
On Wednesday night I smashed the living shit out of my left knee. It has made walking painful and running an impossibility, at least for the past week and probably the rest of this one. one of those combinations of how-could-I-be-so-stupid and the-universe-has-got-to-be-fucking-kidding-me. I am taking care of it and being careful so it will heal and I can move on from that ridiculousness and get back to running.
I bought a couple of beautiful articles of clothing on the Ashland trip. They (technically) fit now, but I'd like them to fit more comfortably and look beautiful for a long time.
This skirt caught my eye in the store window - it has a castle on it! |
It looked better back at the hotel with my blue sweater |
We called this one "the dirndl" - please excuse the bra strap and the dirty mirror - it was designed by a pinup model! |
I gained weight (likely both fat and water) on the trip. While we walked around a lot, we also ate and drank a lot. The food in Ashland was stupendous and I also seriously overpacked on snacks and booze.
And finally - the plays we saw were completely astounding. All five were good, but "Roe" in particular blew my mind to smithereens. It's going to change the world.
This week I'm eating in a more relaxed fashion but am slowly cleaning it up, working my way back to regular, until I begin the next 65-day stretch on Friday the 13th.
You read that right. And perhaps instead of a Whole65, I should call it something else. Like...Atkins Whole Experiment 65, or AWE65 for short. You think?
...nah. Whole65 is easier to remember.
Happy Tuesday.