Monday, May 9, 2016

Prep Week (Whole65, Day -4)

Happy Monday.

My breakfast this morning was technically Whole-Friendly: eggs, avocado, chicken sausage and Tabasco with coffee (always with the coffee). While I don't feel much different yet in terms of bloating and grossness, it was strangely comforting to eat that stuff. I guess my brain's convinced it's "good for me" so my heart is comforted by that. It's odd, because I typically associate "comfort food" with sugary or starchy things that aren't good for me.

Hopefully my brain and heart really are learning to love nutritious things.

I've been stressed out and melancholy lately, and I'm sure the sugar and alcohol hasn't helped. A few moments ago I was drafting an email, got distracted by my thoughts, and paused and put my head in my hands. I didn't notice anyone behind me until a coworker asked if I was ok, which *almost* startled the tears right out of me. I said I had a headache and there was no problem, and she actually went to the breakroom, got me some acetaminophen and a cup of water and brought them back to my desk. That *really* made me want to cry.

I feel like such a mess.

I considered doing the master cleanse lemonade thing this week to *really* beat the bloat, but I'm really not interested in drinking weird spicy-sweet lemon water for 4 days. I may just do it on Thursday (Day -1, which will actually be Day 0) to get some of the extra water weight off of me prior to the official weigh in on Day 1. Maybe. I haven't decided yet.

In the meantime, I brought my running gear to work and (...motherfucker...) I forgot to wear my FitBit. So the steps won't count, but the run will.

I'm such a mess.

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