Friday, May 13, 2016

Auspicious Days (Whole65, Day 1)

Happy Friday the 13th.

Aside from a groaning headache (likely from foregoing caffeine yesterday, when I usually drink black coffee all day), I'm feeling all right. Got up, weighed in, took measurements.

I didn't lose as much water weight as I'd have liked yesterday, but in a way I guess that could be a good thing (?) because I might see more of a scale loss at the end of the 65 days.

The difference on the scale was 13 lbs, which is a combination of weight gain after Whole50 and the several-pound difference in scale calibration. It occurs to me I should test the difference tonight and re-record a few things. Or I could just call this last one a wash, pretend I gained 13lbs, and go from there. It throws off all my numbers anyway.

We'll see. For now I want to focus on eating nutritious healing foods.

OH! But the tape measure they sent me with my new scale? The cool one with the button that rolls the tape back up? I started with measuring my upper arm and was dismayed to see I'd gained an inch...then I noticed this...

Dude. Not Cool.
I was actually kind of relieved to see the error (it's missing the first inch and a half from the top of the tape) because I was thinking "ok I can understand not LOSING inches in my arms, but where the crap did the extra inch come from??" Hahaha...I tweeted the company.

So, we'll see what they say, if anything. Maybe it's a negative-reinforcement thing for people crazy about weight loss. I still had my old tape measure (the new one was a freebie with the new scale) so it wasn't a huge deal. It was good to measure today, because even though change has been slow, I was able to compare those measurements to measurements from several months ago, and I have lost several inches around several areas. It helped to see that.

The coffee is helping too. I need more coffee.

I don't even know if I have specific goals for this Whole65, except perhaps to get back down to the last lowest weight on the Whole program which (does math in head) would mean 15 lbs.

Not impossible, although not likely. We'll see what happens with the doubled-down efforts, the lower carbs and the running.

Speaking of which, guess who finally remembered to wear her FitBit today?

It's going to be a better day than yesterday.

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