Thursday, July 28, 2016

Mood Swings (Whole10, Day 9)

I'm thrilled for Julius Caesar to open. I love this show so much. And yet I have this strange delicate feeling about it, like I'm a high schooler again and this play is a boy that could break my poor stupid heart.

I'm also really excited for our Mexico trip (we fly out Monday morning), despite trepidation about never having been before.

My moods have been all over the place lately. Very likely it's a combination of fatigue, nerves, excitement, nerves, caffeine, and nerves. And also bug bites, ergh.

So far two people today have made comments about my weight loss (both of them, independent of each other, used the term "wasting away.") I know they meant them to be compliments and to be nice, and I appreciate that, although I use the term "wasting away" as a joke and it's weird to hear it as some kind of accomplishment. Also neither of these people knew me at my largest (they met me fairly recently.) In fact, one of them said "I mean you were already skinny before" and I laughed involuntarily and he looked vaguely confused.

I think it's the shirt. It's a flattering shirt.

Anyway - my brain's a pancake today - more awkward and stupid than usual. And everything's setting me off - either making me mad or making me cry.

The crying's helpful, since I have to cry onstage.

That ability's gotten me a lot of work.

...preview night tonight. Excuse me while I go faint.

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