Sunday, April 26, 2015

FitBit (Whole45, Day 29)

A friend of mine (who is in great shape, dances, hikes, and can't walk six feet without some creepy-ass guy talking about her thighs) gave me her old FitBit the other night. She got one of the nice new ones that measures heart rate and has all the new bells and whistles. I set it up, and yesterday was the first day I wore it. It's a cool little motivator to walk more (case in point: I exceeded my goal of 10,000 steps and even got Panda to walk with me in the evening).

I've noticed my nails are a little longer and by day. Again this is likely due to my taking better care of them, but I'm sure eating a bunch of eggs and avocado every day isn't hurting. You can see them in this dazzling glamour shot I took of my new FitBit:

All the rage in Milan and Paris.

Skin is...well, it's still my nasty skin unfortunately. But I have been using new medicine from the doctor (topical antibiotic and Retin-A as well as OTC benzoyl peroxide and the salicylic acne face wash). Hopefully I'll eventually tweak a facial treatment system that yields nice clear skin. In the meantime, I know exercise and copious water-drinking help by degrees, so I'll keep that up. And maybe if and when my body is so astoundingly fit and sexy that people throw giant wads of money at me (I assume beautiful people are given Money Parades in their honor, on the regular? Yes? Good) then I'll use some of that copious dinero to buy myself some ...wait, do they have cosmetic surgery to cure acne yet?

Anyway, today we'll be heading to Alameda and visiting a pinball museum. Weird, I know, but hopefully there'll be opportunity for some walking around downtown, and if not I'll just continue my nightly ritual of walking around my neighborhood. The little lights on the FitBit are encouraging. ...but I should figure out how to make it "dance" and vibrate when I hit 10K steps, that sounds fun and rewarding.

Happy Sunday.

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