Friday, April 3, 2015

New Music (Whole45, Day 6)

I can feel myself slowly coming out of the nasty melancholy funk I've been in for the past few weeks. I'm still inclined to huddle up in my shell and brood about how stupid the world is (everyone except me, of course), which is my usual behavior when I'm in a mood like that, but the sun's beginning to peek in and I'm having a little bit of an easier time dealing with things, which continue to be up and down (because that's normal and it's life).

Panda has joined me on my walks. We go at night, which is nice for me since I don't have to reapply sunblock (I have to wear it every day regardless but the idea of reapplying after a day at work and THEN going back out is just gross and tedious). He ended up checking the distance and our turnaround point is a little less than a mile from our house, so we estimate we go about 1.5-2 miles each night, just walking. It's not much, but it's certainly better than nothing. Hopefully we can work our way up, but for now I'm just happy to not be as sedentary, 24/7.

So, good news: I haven't had to start over on Day 1 (yet). Putting that rule in place turned out to be a great motivator to get off my ass. Heh.

I've also been good about food. Lots of cooking at night, lots of leftovers. Panda pointed out that my slow-cooker Kahlua pig, which I make a lot (it's the NNP recipe and super easy to make) is basically carnitas. Then today while I was heating up my leftovers for lunch, a Latino engineer came hurrying into the kitchen and said "AW HELL NAW you got the carnitas! I knew I smelled something familiar!" It was really funny, and nice to talk to someone friendly. I got a kick out of the idea that he smelled the food and followed his nose like a cartoon.
Today's lunch: Kahlua pig (Hawaiian carnitas), steamed vegetables, grapes
Work has been pretty good. There's just one person (not in my dept) whom I occasionally have to contact and she's a real piece of work. Yesterday it was actually cool, though, she was bitching me out via email (for a mistake she'd made) and I replied, perfectly cordial but in that professional-bitch tone, and copied in my supervisor and manager so they could see the chain of messages (wherein I did exactly as she asked and then she realized she'd asked for the wrong thing and bitched me out for being wrong). After that she was a complete peach to me. And my supervisor came up to me and said in her thick pretty accent that I was her "newfound friend" because apparently no one else has stood up to this bitch before.

It felt really, really good. But I am glad I didn't set my inner monologue completely free or I'd have called her the name she deserved and gotten myself fired. For all that I have stressful days, I like my job and I'd prefer to keep it.

Discovered George Ezra from his performance on SNL, and have been listening to him on Spotify. I really, really like his music. Check him out.

Not much else to tell. Going to see "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" preview tonight in Sunnyvale, some friends are in it and if Facebook is to be believed, they're all having a whale of a time. So, I'm excited. I took this weekend off from house-managing, too, so I'll be hanging out with friends, hiking, watching some movies and stuff. 

Today's my dad's birthday. I miss him.

...only 39 days until I can drink again, haha.

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