Saturday, October 10, 2015

And We're Back! (Whole75, Day 1)

Back from Portland, back from Las Vegas, and back on the Whole eating plan for 75 days! This will be the longest period of time I've stuck to it, so I'm excited and nervous.

Being on vacation and eating whatever I wanted was pretty awesome, although I tended to overdo it at the buffets in Vegas (...that's kind of the point of buffets, I find, and while the food was amazing I was SO OVERSTUFFED that I now know not to do that). Drinking some booze was also nice, especially when Panda and I sat down by the pool all day Wednesday, reading and drinking Vinno de Mocca from a plastic lemonade pitcher. But I find I'm ok giving up alcohol for two and a half months, if it means I'm inching closer to my goal weight and getting healthier for it.

I'm a little bummed that we (I) didn't finish the liquor-infused chocolate truffles we have in the fridge, but hopefully they'll hold up for another couple of months and I can eat them on Christmas Eve.

Thanksgiving on a Whole30 is going to be a challenge. Panda was actually kind of miffed when I told him I was doing that. He makes really awesome pumpkin pies, and he made a comment like "so basically the only thing I'd be contributing, you can't eat." I felt bad about that, but decided to go through with it anyway.

Food's a weird political thing.

Anyway I'm really proud of him for sticking to the plan for 20 days (the last 20 of my 40). He lost 11 pounds and said he was feeling a lot better. He may be doing a Whole30 soon; we'll see.

I walked the ArtsWalk5K today! It was good to catch up with my fellow Shakespeare people and raise a little money for their group. And I'm now 3 straight days hitting my 10K steps on the old FitBit.

This week at work is going to be nuts. And I'm still helping with rehearsals for Evita, but it opens in a few weeks so that's not too intimidating.

Anyway! Back in the saddle with healthy eating and exercise. Goal for Whole75 is to hit 170 lbs by Christmas, which is a pretty steep order, but I'm motivated and eager and let's do this thing.

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