Friday, October 16, 2015

One Week In (Whole75, Day 7)

Well, I'm a week into the longest Whole-eating campaign I've done, and it's going all right. Work and Evita have me a bit stressed out (the play in particular) but nothing horrifying and I haven't been tempted to eat non-compliant foods. The idea of having a drink or something to wind down is definitely an attractive one, but not an urge so strong I can't resist it or distract myself.

I do need to get to bed earlier, though. I have been staying up later in order to get all my steps in, when I should be doing that either in the morning, or during my lunch break.

Speaking of which...I'm currently at 9 straight days (today will be the 10th) at 10,000 steps or more logged on the FitBit. I don't think I've ever had a clip this long, and keeping the streak alive is a great motivator to keep walking. I know it's not as effective as, say, a big workout with lifting weights or using a rowing machine or a dance class or something, but as simple and stupid as walking/ jogging is, it's MUCH BETTER than the absolute nothing I was doing before.

It's also helping my brain. Last night Panda came to the theatre to meet me and actually got to see the last few minutes of rehearsal, after which he walked with me around the community center (it's a really pretty set of buildings around two big central fountains and duckponds) to get my steps in and listen to me vent about my crazy day.

He's doing a Whole30!!!!!! He started a few days after me so this is his Day 5, but I'm still really impressed that he made the choice to do that. Hopefully in my 15 seconds of free time this weekend I can cook us up a bunch of food for lunches so he doesn't have to worry about going to the grocery store every I've been doing...because despite having bought meat and veggies and all the cooking supplies I need, I still haven't had time or inclination to cook it all up. :-/ Not proud of myself for that.

My skin has been nasty lately. Like, worse than it's been in a long time. I'm going to continue the exercising (sweating oddly seems to help when my face breaks out like El Chapo...heh..."breaks out like el chapo"..hehe) and pumping up the water-drinking in the hopes that it'll clear up a bit more.

Fun weekend of theatre coming up! Tonight I'm seeing Star Spangled Girl with my friend Jen, Saturday I'm seeing an immersive play in history park, then Sunday Jen and Panda and I (along with a few others!) are seeing a friend's production of Broken Glass at Theatre Chevruta at the Jewish Community Center.

Oh and if you're in the area, stop by the studio on Mabury between 11AM and 1PM to audition for the Forbidden Broadway fundraising summer concert...I'll be helping out with that. :-)

Busy busy...

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