Friday, March 20, 2015

Why. Why Today. (Whole30v2, Day 26)

We get a lot of freebies at my job. It's a big travel agency, so hotels give us things like keychains, luggage tags, shopping totes and whatnot all. the. time. And occasionally they give us cookies or cake pops (both were handed out this week) and I'm able to say no thank you, or if they leave mine on my desk while I'm not here I can either hand it to someone or stash it in my desk until after Whole30 when I can have a treat.

A guy just came by handing out It's-Its. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically the greatest thing to come out of San Francisco since sourdough bread. Fuck Rice-A-Roni, It's-Its are The San Francisco Treat. It's basically a gigantic ice cream sandwich with oatmeal cookies, dunked in really good dark chocolate. They're of my favorite things ever.

I have four more days on Whole30. And it's not like I can stash an ice cream sandwich in my desk for that long. So I had to say no thank you.



Why did they have to hand those out TODAY?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??? Gah.

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