Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Next Level (Whole45, Day 1)

This morning I had scrambled eggs with "whole" guacamole, and my friend Jennifer came over at 9:30 so we could go for a walk at the park. It was really nice out, and great to catch up and laugh with her for a bit. We went and got some coffee afterwards (black Pike's Place for me) and chatted about theatre, life and all that. It really helped me get my ass out of bed knowing I had my accountabili-buddy coming over to walk with me.

I am an idiot and didn't have time to grab lunch before coming to the theatre at noon, though. So I'll make a slightly bigger dinner tonight when I get home. Panda's at Wrestlemania so he'll likely have something while he's out, but I will be hitting the grocery store and batch-cooking for the week. I definitely need to pack my lunches this week and not rely on hitting the grocery story by the office every day for celery sticks and avocados.

Hooray for tons of chicken (there's broth in my slow cooker at home as we speak!) hahaha.

I want to make sure I get to bed early so I can start the morning jog/ walk routine tomorrow as painlessly as possible. Wish me luck.

Took weights and measurements this morning and am not going to look at them again for a month and a half. On the plus side, I'm only 5 lbs up from the end of my last Whole30 5 days ago (yeah...not gonna start on that, I promised myself, I'm done with it.)

I took next weekend off from house-managing and am really glad I did. This coming week my evenings are free, too, which means I can take time to cook dinner, read, etc. I'm toying with the idea of no-electronics-after-something-o'clock but haven't settled on it yet. The main rules for Dana's Whole45 Adventure are:

1. Stick to the eating plan and cook most, if not all, meals myself at home.
2. Exercise every day, at least once to the park, around the two duckponds, and home.
3. Sunscreen every day (this has more to do with general health; I'm very pasty and burn like toast).
4. 5-10 minutes each evening before bed of meditation, stress relief or general "quiet time".
5. No almond butter (I tend to go overboard on it the same way I did with peanut butter, best to just avoid it. It's super expensive anyway and California's in a drought).

I think that's it. Also the regular rules: tons of water, as much sleep as possible (bedtime for me is typically around 11), no getting sick, breathe through stress/ anxiety and don't exacerbate it.

And even if the results are disappointing or nonexistent...I mean. It can't *hurt* to build healthier habits, I wouldn't think.

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